Welcome to Alta Dawne Photograhpy. Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Alta Dawne Mahan, and I am a Chiropractor, a Mommy and a Photographer! If you are looking for a "Real Life Photographer" I am your gal! Being a chiropractor, I have found there is beauty in everyone, and so much beauty in the 'Real Moment" of this time in a person's life. As a Mommy I have learned to treasure every fleeting second, life changes so fast and those seconds are gone forever. As a Photographer, well, I have the wonderful opportunity to capture the beauty I see in people, to capture those ever changing moments and turn them into something more than a fleeting memory - I get to turn them into a lifelong treasure. Go ahead, take a look around, PLEASE leave a comment about the photos you like, about the web site, or my photography in general. If you like what you see and want to set up a session with me, send me an e-mail. And together we will have fun, and capture YOU, your family, creating a lifelong treasure.
The song you are enjoying right now, "Invisible", was written and performed by an incredibly talented friend of mine - Jessica Jocoy. Please take a moment to check out more of her music at https://twitter.com/JessicaJocoy. You can also purchase her music on iTunes. I am honoured that she has given me permission to use this song on my website.